Friday, August 29, 2014


'Reprobate' appears 7 times in Milton and once in Jerusalem:

By the time Blake wrote Milton he had a new concept of the kinds of Men; the Elect had come to mean those conventional people who lack 'their own system' of values and more or less follow the herd of the materialistic majority of the population.
He understood that ("many are called, but few are chosen." 
Matthew 22:14).

Blake's remaining two classes include the reprobate (the primary model of which is Jesus Christ)

The first, The Elect from before the foundation of the World:
The second, The Redeem'd. The Third, The Reprobate
.....Of the first class was Satan
 Of Rintrah. the Reprobate, & those of Palamabron the Redeem'd 

The third class, the Redeem'd include the poor folks who didn't know any better until they were saved by the blood.

Plate 11:
the Class of Satan shall be calld the Elect, &
Of Rintrah. the Reprobate, & those of Palamabron the Redeem'd
For he is redeem'd from Satans Law, the wrath falling on Rintrah

From Milton, Plate 13:
He died as a Reprobate. he was Punish'd as a transgressor! 
Glory! Glory! Glory! to the Holy Lamb of God 
I touch the heavens as an instrument to glorify the Lord! 

The Elect shall meet the Redeem'd. on Albions rocks they shall meetAstonish'd at the Transgressor, in him beholding the Saviour.
And the Elect shall say to the Redeemd. We behold it is of Divine Mercy alone! of Free Gift and Election that we live.Our Virtues & Cruel Goodnesses, have deserv'd Eternal Death.

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